1st - 4th September 2020
Pilsen, Czech Republic
2020 International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering (Diagnostika)
Conference Record
Important Notice: This event is due to the covid-19 situation considered as hybrid conference. Conference venue is opening 1.9.2020 in Park Hotel Pilsen for participants who wants to arrive to reduced conference live programme. Virtual conference is for all other participants, who cannot arrive at the conference venue. Please see the programme Programme of the conference.
Only 14 days remaining to the conference opening See more info.
Paper submission has been prolonged till 15. of April 2020. More Information about submission.
All participants are cordially invited to present their research and work at CDEE 2020. You are encouraged to submit an abstract for a contributed oral or poster presentation (see important dates). All papers are subject to the review process. Participants of the conference will be provided with printed proceedings at the conference opening. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Previous event was indexed in Scopus, IEEE Xplore and Web of Science. Download Flyer
Conference Diagnostika ‘20 is held in Parkhotel Pilsen. The first building of this hotel was built in 2001. After several years of successful operation, second building was built, which included a congress hall for 1000 people. A hall measuring 1800 square meters was and still is one of the largest in the Pilsen region.
The conference is structure to oral and poster sessions.
Laboratory Methods of Diagnostics
On-Site Testing of Electrical Appliances
Electrical Insulation Properties and Structural Changes
Other Diagnostic Methods
Theories, Methods and Models
Condition Monitoring
Electric Machines and Devices